“What if we could disrupt the mosquitoes’ capacity to host viruses by manipulating their retrotransposons? What if we could genetically engineer retrotransposons to render mosquitoes incapable of transmitting diseases?”
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2023 – present
Dr. Carla Saleh’s Viruses and RNA Interference Unit
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Fulbright Fellow, 2021 – 2022
Dr. George Dimopoulos’ Vector Biology group
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
PhD, 2018 – 2023
Dr. Kostas Mathiopoulos’ Molecular Biology & Genomics lab
University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece
Research Assistant, 2017-2018
Dr. Xavier Fernàndez-Busquets’ Nanomalaria joint unit
Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia & Barcelona Institute for Global Health,
Barcelona, Spain
MSc, 2016
Applications of Molecular Biology – Genetics – Diagnostic Biomarkers
University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece